Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oh well

Everything must come to end. Too bad it hurts and makes you an insomniac. Life goes on, I guess.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Burn

I am starting to feel the burn. The wanting to just sit in front of the TV and do nothing at all. Maybe knitting. Maybe reading. But, really, to do absolutely nothing at all.

I was afraid that would happen when this last semester would end and I would have that brief moment of relaxation. So, I avoided it. Tried to make sure that I was busy with my internship and life.

But then July 4th weekend happened. And it began. The feeling of...nothing. The feeling of relaxation. It felt good. It felt great.

But now I just don't want to do anything. I did do the necessary chores this last weekend. And now it has left my body in tatters. Now, with the attitude of not wanting to do anything, it is hard to feel like enthusiasm about anything (internship or otherwise).

And so the burn has become. And am attempting to fight it back. Hopefully a good night's sleep will cool the burn.