Saturday, December 31, 2011

Statistics of 2011 & Goals for 2012

Number of Jobs Held in 2011

Number of Breakdowns because of Above-Said Statistic
About 2 million

Number of Master Degrees Earned

New Pet Acquired
1 green parakeet

Number of Life-Changing Events
A lot...I can't count.

All in all...I believe a great year. Tiring, yes. Painful at times, yes. But absolutely amazing. What a great ride!

Goals for 2012
* Read & listen more books (I know, that was a resolution/goal last year...but I failed miserably because of school and life. This time I plan to keep it. I also found the love of audiobooks, so that helps).
*  Less oversharing in social media, more restraint towards social media.
* Positive thinking. Yes, the glass is half empty, but look! There is a carton of milk over there! Let's fill it up.
* More time with friends (Again...I failed. Time to actually do more of this while saving money)
* Save money (This time I have a goal to why I want to save money).
* Continue to spend more time to take care of myself mentally and physically (exercise, relaxation time, doing things I enjoy like biking, yoga, painting nails, etc.).