Saturday, February 12, 2011

Knitting For Katherine website

 Hey all,

So, I have a very good friend (best friend, really) that is really sick. Because of stupid circumstances, she was having problems with getting treatment for her sickness. So I decided to try to help. All of the proceeds (and I mean all) go to my friend. So, check it out!

Also, if you are crafty and have anything that you feel you are ready to give up for a good cause, contact me. I will gladly take donations.


Sophie said...

That is awesome. Actually, I just read this after commenting on Facebook. I will be supporting/buying something. This is so sweet! Part of what makes you awesome and me happy to call you friend :D.

Jay said...

Thank you!!! I definitely appreciate the support.

I am definitely happy to call you my friend too. And if you ever need support of any kind, let me know. I would so be there. How can I not help the one friend that has stayed with me through everything in my life? I wouldn't. :)