Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Well this is it now. Everybody get down. This is all I can take. This is how a heart breaks. " ~ Rob Thomas.

And this is from infatuation...

I don't think I can handle anymore of this. I think I'll go back to disappointing coffee dates. My heart doesn't get hurt; just the ego and my nerves.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

I'm not saying give up...but you said you didn't want to settle, and what's the point of wasting time on disappointing coffee dates? If I were you, I'd rather be single than be discouraged all the time...:(

Dating sucks - I think just about anybody would tell you that (except maybe for the one night stand type folks because they're just in it to get laid). You've gotta find someone who understands the concept of authoritative slowness. I don't think the last person got what you wanted...that you didn't want to move full at light speed, but you wanted each step to be deliberate and full of emotion. You need a girl who thinks like a guy...honestly. Someone who can respect your current wants but still anticipate your future needs.

*sigh* at least we'll have lots to talk about on Friday? boy do I have a crap load to tell you...and not just about Disney anymore...