Number of Jobs Held in 2011
Number of Breakdowns because of Above-Said Statistic
About 2 million
Number of Master Degrees Earned
New Pet Acquired
1 green parakeet
Number of Life-Changing Events
A lot...I can't count.
All in all...I believe a great year. Tiring, yes. Painful at times, yes. But absolutely amazing. What a great ride!
Goals for 2012
* Read & listen more books (I know, that was a resolution/goal last year...but I failed miserably because of school and life. This time I plan to keep it. I also found the love of audiobooks, so that helps).
* Less oversharing in social media, more restraint towards social media.
* Positive thinking. Yes, the glass is half empty, but look! There is a carton of milk over there! Let's fill it up.
* More time with friends (Again...I failed. Time to actually do more of this while saving money)
* Save money (This time I have a goal to why I want to save money).
* Continue to spend more time to take care of myself mentally and physically (exercise, relaxation time, doing things I enjoy like biking, yoga, painting nails, etc.).
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
What the Librarian Did On Her Summer Break...
She worked.
Yes, I got a job. Finally! And after two months I still like it! It is a miracle! It doesn't require a lot of thought processes, but it is a job that pays. That is what counts. It is also in the library science field (the cataloguing/collection management concentration of the field). The title is Labeling Technician. The unofficial description is basically my standing in front of a moving computer converted barcodes on library materials into big white RFID stickers. I then hide these stickers in the materials.
The Sticker:
As I said, not much brain cells needed for this job. But I get to fondle books every day. Who can beat that? I also am allowed to listen to my IPod while doing the conversion, so I am listening to a lot of audiobooks. I started with a lot of books I have already read, and am slowly getting used to listening to books I have not read. So while I fondle books, I get to "read" books. If I can figure out how to knit while doing the conversion, my life would be absolutely complete.
It is physically tiring though. Almost all libraries have concrete floors hidden under cheap carpet. After about 8 hours of standing on that, your feet would complain too. Also if you want to get the average numbers needed to be a good tagger, you have to expect to lift a lot of books and other materials. My first two weeks were spent getting used to the aches and pangs of my body. Now my body is getting fit! I think I have lost about two inches from my waist, and my arms are starting to get sculpted. I am liking the perks of it all.
And, yes, we do have a goal that we need to make every day. We taggers needs to make sure to tag 1,200 items every day. If you go above that number you also get a bonus. I haven't figured out the exact math behind it, but either way you get more money if you go above 1200. At the moment my best number has been 1,987. I am aiming for 2,000, and I will get it someday. There is no need to be competitive; it just makes the job more interesting. :) The position is a great starting point for me, and I am excited to see where I will end up after the project is over.
The School Stuff
Other than getting used to the new job, I have been attempting to enjoy all the stuff I couldn't do while in school. I hung out with friends, did some wine tasting, and just generally enjoyed not doing homework. I couldn't do a lot of what I wanted because of the money factor, but I enjoyed what I could within my means. I accrued a lot of debt while unemployed, so I am still paying that off. I have a game plan in place to fix the debt. That means giving up some things like my smartphone, but it is worth it to be debt free again.
Now school has started, and I am attempting to get my mind into school mode. Senioritis has kicked in though, and I am attempting to cure it with very little progress. I only have two classes this semester, so I will not be rushing around like I was last semester. Thank goodness! One class though requires a lot of writing with no true I am attempting to put some inspiration for myself to actually do it.
Yes, I got a job. Finally! And after two months I still like it! It is a miracle! It doesn't require a lot of thought processes, but it is a job that pays. That is what counts. It is also in the library science field (the cataloguing/collection management concentration of the field). The title is Labeling Technician. The unofficial description is basically my standing in front of a moving computer converted barcodes on library materials into big white RFID stickers. I then hide these stickers in the materials.
The Sticker:
As I said, not much brain cells needed for this job. But I get to fondle books every day. Who can beat that? I also am allowed to listen to my IPod while doing the conversion, so I am listening to a lot of audiobooks. I started with a lot of books I have already read, and am slowly getting used to listening to books I have not read. So while I fondle books, I get to "read" books. If I can figure out how to knit while doing the conversion, my life would be absolutely complete.
It is physically tiring though. Almost all libraries have concrete floors hidden under cheap carpet. After about 8 hours of standing on that, your feet would complain too. Also if you want to get the average numbers needed to be a good tagger, you have to expect to lift a lot of books and other materials. My first two weeks were spent getting used to the aches and pangs of my body. Now my body is getting fit! I think I have lost about two inches from my waist, and my arms are starting to get sculpted. I am liking the perks of it all.
And, yes, we do have a goal that we need to make every day. We taggers needs to make sure to tag 1,200 items every day. If you go above that number you also get a bonus. I haven't figured out the exact math behind it, but either way you get more money if you go above 1200. At the moment my best number has been 1,987. I am aiming for 2,000, and I will get it someday. There is no need to be competitive; it just makes the job more interesting. :) The position is a great starting point for me, and I am excited to see where I will end up after the project is over.
The School Stuff
Other than getting used to the new job, I have been attempting to enjoy all the stuff I couldn't do while in school. I hung out with friends, did some wine tasting, and just generally enjoyed not doing homework. I couldn't do a lot of what I wanted because of the money factor, but I enjoyed what I could within my means. I accrued a lot of debt while unemployed, so I am still paying that off. I have a game plan in place to fix the debt. That means giving up some things like my smartphone, but it is worth it to be debt free again.
Now school has started, and I am attempting to get my mind into school mode. Senioritis has kicked in though, and I am attempting to cure it with very little progress. I only have two classes this semester, so I will not be rushing around like I was last semester. Thank goodness! One class though requires a lot of writing with no true I am attempting to put some inspiration for myself to actually do it.
That is a list of competencies that I have to write about for my class. The class is structured like how a thesis class is for most master's programs. My master program is different: we have an option to create an e-portfolio. We present evidence from our past classes that prove we fulfilled these competencies. But we have to introduce the evidence, argue that this evidence fulfills the outlined competencies, and create a philosophy out of these linked works. It doesn't sound like a lot, but there are about 14 competencies where there should be more than one piece of evidence. Also, there are no strict deadlines to finish this until early November. This is hard for the procrastinator in me because I will just want to wait until late October to do this. That is not recommended. So I have instilled a schedule for me and making it concrete in my head. Still doesn't mean I am inspired to write it. This weekend I said I would spend two days to work on it. Yeah, that hasn't happened. I keep saying I will work on it tomorrow. Ah, senioritis in a procrastinator. I will be okay though. I at least did some schoolwork this morning for my other class. So, not that lazy. :-D I know that once I set up a game plan, I will stick to it. So tomorrow I will be writing non-stop. I hope.
The Celibate Librarian
After a lot of dating and exploration, I have decided to take a very long break from dating and relationships. I realized recently that I have not been without a crush or love interest for a good long time (i.e. probably around 6 years...). I am also counting the small crushes and huge infatuations that I have had in the past. I have never given my heart and mind a break in order to truly know what I want. If I earnestly want to find the right person for me (or find peace with being single) I need to be okay with having no interest at all. If I have any inklings of interests, it then leads to my not wanting to be alone. I need to be okay with being alone. So no dating, no crushes, no remote possible interest in anyone. No inappropriate crushes that make me blush. No looking at online profiles on None.
I have also given up on online dating sites. If insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I propose that my using Okcupid and other dating sites is insanity. Other than a few exceptions, I have found that women either stand me up or are absolutely insane. So, no more. Once this mandated celibacy is over, I am going to date another way.
And with that, my life is updated. I will leave you with a very appropriate video for what I am feeling right now.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Midterm Crunch
I got through midterms (which were during my birthday...was not happy about that) with lots of scratches, bruises, and maybe some sleep-deprivation. But even with all that, I got good grades. This will be my second to last midterm season. I can't wait.
Channeling Sylvia Plath
It seemed for the past few weeks or so I wasn't really myself. I have been going through some tough times: work, money, life. Well, not really life. Life was actually going well. It was the job and money that was pulling me down. I have been trying to find another job because the Sylvan gig is ending soon. And, to be honest, doesn't pay enough for me to survive. But I will not go into that drama. Either way, I need to find another job because I am flat out broke.
Although the job market is getting better, it is still not healthy enough. Especially for libraries. I applied for two library assistant jobs. I interviewed for both jobs. Both weren't as much money as I was hoping for, but I was willing to do it because it was experience. Both turned me down flat. Imagine the frustration.
I'm still looking, and I am determined to apply for at least one job at day. I used to do more a day, doing a more spray-gun method, but it seemed like I was just getting jobs that I was not really interested in and not enough money. I am being more thoughtful about this process.
But with all this, I was just completely down. I was feeling very un-needed, poor, useless, filler, etc. Fill in the blank with the worse adjective you can think of and put it in there. I am not sure if it was because of hormone levels combined with the situation, but I had a hard time pulling myself out of this depression. Now, normally I would not use that word. Yes, that word: depression. Because, for me, depression is just not being really sad. It is so sad that you can't move, do, think, breathe without that monkey on your back. That silly little monkey that says, "You're not good enough" or "Stop being an idiot" or gives you awful images in your brain that you can not shake. Being depressed is a very serious matter to me. So when I use that word it means it is serious. And this was serious. I had to push myself to do things. I would literally tell myself to get out of bed so I could do schoolwork. Now, imagine you have midterms and trying to do this. It's not fun. I just couldn't get myself motivated to do anything. I pushed through, and I got myself to do what needed to be done.
What got me out of this funk was finally reaching out to friends. Taking the sting out of what was going on in my head and heart, and talking it out with my friend. She was very helpful (and I am forever grateful to her...she knows who she is) and really listened to me. I think just talking really put things into perspective for me. It also helped to finally be surrounded by friends. I had been hiding myself lately, so it was good to get some fresh air and see my friends again. Although I am still somewhat hiding this week (this is only because I am conserving gas than hiding), I am still trying to make sure to get some fresh air. I stayed outside all day today in the sunshine with Amie. It was amazing.
And tomorrow I have my knitting gals (I love ya), Friday the Vagina Monologues, and Saturday my friend's birthday party. Then my parents will be back from their trip! Oh, yeah, that's probably another reason why I have been having a hard time: I am all alone in this big ass house. And I truly think there is some spirit haunting this house. Sometimes I feel a presence that at night freaks me out. And then a strange thing happened with the lights with my friends were over for was strange. So, yeah, it will be nice to have two more people in this house.
The TV Expermintation
Speaking of this week, I have decided to do an experiment. For awhile it seemed like I wasn't turning on my TV. I had been doing some podcast and video podcast research, and so I have been catching up on a lot of these popular podcasts and videos. Because of this I haven't had much time watching my shows. I have had a lot of time with my knitting though. Anyway, I realized on Sunday this phenomenon and thought, "I wonder if I can do that..." So, three days in and I am loving this feeling. I feel the vocabulary expanding, the brain cells increasing, and the information slowly becoming knowledge. It's great.
In this experimentation though I realized that I do watch a lot of TV. I had always accepted it in my life because I live in a culture and environment that focuses on TV. But I wonder if I can at least lessen what I watch. If you looked through the list of shows that I DVR, it is a long list. And if I don't watch it a week (or in this case two to three weeks...) it really adds up. Imagine all of these shows are 1 hour long too. It gets ridiculous how much time I spend trying to catch up on these shows. Yes, I get a lot of knitting done but in the end I feel brain dead.
So I have decided that I am going to get rid of over half of my list. I know. Shocking. I will probably keep some shows that I absolutely adore (Glee. Modern Family. Castle. Parenthood, although they may cancel it...), but I feel that I can get rid of the rest. The Office doesn't need more viewers. It has enough. Other shows that have just started are just not as good anyway. I have kept them on because I feel bad. But why should I feel bad? If they're not good, they will cancel it anyway. I just don't want to waste time on a show that I am not enjoying.
I am hoping this will keep me in this motivated state. I am loving this feeling that I have this week. I am reading more. I also am listening to a podcast called "Craftlit" that reads books to me while I knit. I love it. I think I am going to start looking for audiobooks for when I want to knit. I also have Netflix that has been ill-used because TV shows have taken over my life. If I want to watch a show, I can easily watch it with the 'rents. Or rent it on Netflix. It's not that hard.
This was a surprisingly hard decision to make. TV was something that I was raised on. In a way, TV was the parent that was willing to dish out the dirty stuff that my parents couldn't. I learned what sex was from the TV (Thank you, 90210). I learned the latest fads, etc etc etc. You get the picture. My parents put us in front of the TV so they could get stuff done. My earliest memories were of TV. I remember when we were moving to Castro Valley, they squatted us right in where the family room would be and had us watch the last movie in "Star Wars". The only memory I have when we lived in Hayward was the huge projection TV we used to have. I really was raised with TV. So this is going to be fun.
Real fun.
I got through midterms (which were during my birthday...was not happy about that) with lots of scratches, bruises, and maybe some sleep-deprivation. But even with all that, I got good grades. This will be my second to last midterm season. I can't wait.
Channeling Sylvia Plath
It seemed for the past few weeks or so I wasn't really myself. I have been going through some tough times: work, money, life. Well, not really life. Life was actually going well. It was the job and money that was pulling me down. I have been trying to find another job because the Sylvan gig is ending soon. And, to be honest, doesn't pay enough for me to survive. But I will not go into that drama. Either way, I need to find another job because I am flat out broke.
Although the job market is getting better, it is still not healthy enough. Especially for libraries. I applied for two library assistant jobs. I interviewed for both jobs. Both weren't as much money as I was hoping for, but I was willing to do it because it was experience. Both turned me down flat. Imagine the frustration.
I'm still looking, and I am determined to apply for at least one job at day. I used to do more a day, doing a more spray-gun method, but it seemed like I was just getting jobs that I was not really interested in and not enough money. I am being more thoughtful about this process.
But with all this, I was just completely down. I was feeling very un-needed, poor, useless, filler, etc. Fill in the blank with the worse adjective you can think of and put it in there. I am not sure if it was because of hormone levels combined with the situation, but I had a hard time pulling myself out of this depression. Now, normally I would not use that word. Yes, that word: depression. Because, for me, depression is just not being really sad. It is so sad that you can't move, do, think, breathe without that monkey on your back. That silly little monkey that says, "You're not good enough" or "Stop being an idiot" or gives you awful images in your brain that you can not shake. Being depressed is a very serious matter to me. So when I use that word it means it is serious. And this was serious. I had to push myself to do things. I would literally tell myself to get out of bed so I could do schoolwork. Now, imagine you have midterms and trying to do this. It's not fun. I just couldn't get myself motivated to do anything. I pushed through, and I got myself to do what needed to be done.
What got me out of this funk was finally reaching out to friends. Taking the sting out of what was going on in my head and heart, and talking it out with my friend. She was very helpful (and I am forever grateful to her...she knows who she is) and really listened to me. I think just talking really put things into perspective for me. It also helped to finally be surrounded by friends. I had been hiding myself lately, so it was good to get some fresh air and see my friends again. Although I am still somewhat hiding this week (this is only because I am conserving gas than hiding), I am still trying to make sure to get some fresh air. I stayed outside all day today in the sunshine with Amie. It was amazing.
And tomorrow I have my knitting gals (I love ya), Friday the Vagina Monologues, and Saturday my friend's birthday party. Then my parents will be back from their trip! Oh, yeah, that's probably another reason why I have been having a hard time: I am all alone in this big ass house. And I truly think there is some spirit haunting this house. Sometimes I feel a presence that at night freaks me out. And then a strange thing happened with the lights with my friends were over for was strange. So, yeah, it will be nice to have two more people in this house.
The TV Expermintation
Speaking of this week, I have decided to do an experiment. For awhile it seemed like I wasn't turning on my TV. I had been doing some podcast and video podcast research, and so I have been catching up on a lot of these popular podcasts and videos. Because of this I haven't had much time watching my shows. I have had a lot of time with my knitting though. Anyway, I realized on Sunday this phenomenon and thought, "I wonder if I can do that..." So, three days in and I am loving this feeling. I feel the vocabulary expanding, the brain cells increasing, and the information slowly becoming knowledge. It's great.
In this experimentation though I realized that I do watch a lot of TV. I had always accepted it in my life because I live in a culture and environment that focuses on TV. But I wonder if I can at least lessen what I watch. If you looked through the list of shows that I DVR, it is a long list. And if I don't watch it a week (or in this case two to three weeks...) it really adds up. Imagine all of these shows are 1 hour long too. It gets ridiculous how much time I spend trying to catch up on these shows. Yes, I get a lot of knitting done but in the end I feel brain dead.
So I have decided that I am going to get rid of over half of my list. I know. Shocking. I will probably keep some shows that I absolutely adore (Glee. Modern Family. Castle. Parenthood, although they may cancel it...), but I feel that I can get rid of the rest. The Office doesn't need more viewers. It has enough. Other shows that have just started are just not as good anyway. I have kept them on because I feel bad. But why should I feel bad? If they're not good, they will cancel it anyway. I just don't want to waste time on a show that I am not enjoying.
I am hoping this will keep me in this motivated state. I am loving this feeling that I have this week. I am reading more. I also am listening to a podcast called "Craftlit" that reads books to me while I knit. I love it. I think I am going to start looking for audiobooks for when I want to knit. I also have Netflix that has been ill-used because TV shows have taken over my life. If I want to watch a show, I can easily watch it with the 'rents. Or rent it on Netflix. It's not that hard.
This was a surprisingly hard decision to make. TV was something that I was raised on. In a way, TV was the parent that was willing to dish out the dirty stuff that my parents couldn't. I learned what sex was from the TV (Thank you, 90210). I learned the latest fads, etc etc etc. You get the picture. My parents put us in front of the TV so they could get stuff done. My earliest memories were of TV. I remember when we were moving to Castro Valley, they squatted us right in where the family room would be and had us watch the last movie in "Star Wars". The only memory I have when we lived in Hayward was the huge projection TV we used to have. I really was raised with TV. So this is going to be fun.
Real fun.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Drop, Frog, and Roll: How Knitting is Life
I always wonder if people think it's weird that I am so into knitting. Why do I always go on and on about yarns, socks, and some other thing that involves knitting. Half of my usernames involve knitting. Everything in my room has some sort of knitting thing involved. Why has knitting become a huge thing in my life?
I learned how to knit when I was 12. It wasn't because of a grandmother or other relatives. It was all because I was being a brat to my daycare person and she said to me that if I didn't behave I would not be able to learn how to knit. Don't ask me how this worked, but it did. That day started the long journey of squares, scarfs, and lots of mistaken identities of other things. It wasn't until college when an exasperated friend that owned two god-awful scarves bought me Debbie Stroller's "Stitch and Bitch" did I move from scarf hell. Confidence grew. Information of better yarns were acquired. Yarn snobbiness was created in my habits. Another friend who really wanted funky socks was the one that inspired my sock knitting and changed the whole entire landscape of my knitting. I joined a knitting group. Everything became knitting themed.
I became an avid knitter.
But why? I believe it's because whatever you do, the skill is still your skill. Even when I did tons of those mistaken projects, I was still a knitter. I can make mistakes, and still go from it unscathed. If I absolutely hate a project, I can undo (or frog) it and start again.
And the fact that a craft can take a mistake and make it art...

(dropped stitches at the right hand corner)
Is amazing...I love it. As a clutzy, prone-to-mistakes human, I enjoy the fact that a mistake can be art, a mistake can be changed, a mistake can help make a better project. It makes life more interesting in my book.
I learned how to knit when I was 12. It wasn't because of a grandmother or other relatives. It was all because I was being a brat to my daycare person and she said to me that if I didn't behave I would not be able to learn how to knit. Don't ask me how this worked, but it did. That day started the long journey of squares, scarfs, and lots of mistaken identities of other things. It wasn't until college when an exasperated friend that owned two god-awful scarves bought me Debbie Stroller's "Stitch and Bitch" did I move from scarf hell. Confidence grew. Information of better yarns were acquired. Yarn snobbiness was created in my habits. Another friend who really wanted funky socks was the one that inspired my sock knitting and changed the whole entire landscape of my knitting. I joined a knitting group. Everything became knitting themed.
I became an avid knitter.
But why? I believe it's because whatever you do, the skill is still your skill. Even when I did tons of those mistaken projects, I was still a knitter. I can make mistakes, and still go from it unscathed. If I absolutely hate a project, I can undo (or frog) it and start again.
And the fact that a craft can take a mistake and make it art...

(dropped stitches at the right hand corner)
Is amazing...I love it. As a clutzy, prone-to-mistakes human, I enjoy the fact that a mistake can be art, a mistake can be changed, a mistake can help make a better project. It makes life more interesting in my book.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Meltdown #1,205
So I had my obligatory semester meltdown today.
How do I describe it but hitting a brick wall.
Today was already emotional for the fact that I woke up at 4:50 a.m. not wanting to (who ever wants to wake up at 4:50 a.m.?), then remembering this is the last time I will because this is my last week at the library. I have been middle of the road about the job ending. I am not a morning person, but I love doing what I was doing. Sometimes I would get bored (I am too productive for my own good), but I still loved it. And so as I was thinking about this job ending, I start suddenly thinking numbers in my head. Oh crap. Oh boy. Wait. How am I going to afford living off just this one job? Wait...Stitches West is coming am I going to afford the yarn and pay for my bills this month? Woah...not possible. So, that means I can't buy yarn. After a year (long, torturous, broken-twice) of not buying yarn, I can't even break the fast. Are. You. Kidding. Me?
So, was already sad. Then got even more sad as we had our department meeting and had to brainstorm of how to cut costs (Realization kicking in: people still don't understand that literacy is important and Government doesn't care about libraries/education). Then saying goodbye to great coworkers (they gave me a gift card to Borders). Then realizing, again, that I won't be coming back again while getting things ordered for my old supervisor to come back from leave.
Only sunny silver lining: my kids were so good. And I finally saw the moment information became knowledge. I love it. And they earned their cupcakes.
Then coming home to find an assignment due tonight (or yesterday...could never figure out the midnight deadline it tonight or was it due this morning when I was blissfully sleeping?). It was all my fault. I didn't look at my calendar. I didn't look closely to the class announcements (none of my professors really used it without using the email function as well). Luckily it was a quick assignment and after calming down I was able to get it done (although I feel like I am missing something)...but still.
Brick walls hurt.
But don't worry: I will straighten my nose (like I always do) and be okay. Just need to get the crazy out before I can get back to the scheduled programming.
Okay, done.
How do I describe it but hitting a brick wall.
Today was already emotional for the fact that I woke up at 4:50 a.m. not wanting to (who ever wants to wake up at 4:50 a.m.?), then remembering this is the last time I will because this is my last week at the library. I have been middle of the road about the job ending. I am not a morning person, but I love doing what I was doing. Sometimes I would get bored (I am too productive for my own good), but I still loved it. And so as I was thinking about this job ending, I start suddenly thinking numbers in my head. Oh crap. Oh boy. Wait. How am I going to afford living off just this one job? Wait...Stitches West is coming am I going to afford the yarn and pay for my bills this month? Woah...not possible. So, that means I can't buy yarn. After a year (long, torturous, broken-twice) of not buying yarn, I can't even break the fast. Are. You. Kidding. Me?
So, was already sad. Then got even more sad as we had our department meeting and had to brainstorm of how to cut costs (Realization kicking in: people still don't understand that literacy is important and Government doesn't care about libraries/education). Then saying goodbye to great coworkers (they gave me a gift card to Borders). Then realizing, again, that I won't be coming back again while getting things ordered for my old supervisor to come back from leave.
Only sunny silver lining: my kids were so good. And I finally saw the moment information became knowledge. I love it. And they earned their cupcakes.
Then coming home to find an assignment due tonight (or yesterday...could never figure out the midnight deadline it tonight or was it due this morning when I was blissfully sleeping?). It was all my fault. I didn't look at my calendar. I didn't look closely to the class announcements (none of my professors really used it without using the email function as well). Luckily it was a quick assignment and after calming down I was able to get it done (although I feel like I am missing something)...but still.
Brick walls hurt.
But don't worry: I will straighten my nose (like I always do) and be okay. Just need to get the crazy out before I can get back to the scheduled programming.
Okay, done.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Knitting For Katherine website
Hey all,
So, I have a very good friend (best friend, really) that is really sick. Because of stupid circumstances, she was having problems with getting treatment for her sickness. So I decided to try to help. All of the proceeds (and I mean all) go to my friend. So, check it out!
Also, if you are crafty and have anything that you feel you are ready to give up for a good cause, contact me. I will gladly take donations.
So, I have a very good friend (best friend, really) that is really sick. Because of stupid circumstances, she was having problems with getting treatment for her sickness. So I decided to try to help. All of the proceeds (and I mean all) go to my friend. So, check it out!
Also, if you are crafty and have anything that you feel you are ready to give up for a good cause, contact me. I will gladly take donations.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Stitches West and the Dreaded YD
Every February there is a knitting and yarn convention in Santa Clara. I was introduced to this amazing event about two years ago, and since then my yarn purchasing habits has revolved around this event. Now for those that do not know this event or have never been to this event, just imagine to yourself a huge warehouse (and I mean huge) filled to the maximum of your favorite things/hobbies/foods/etc. Imagine the joy: the pure, unadulterated, full-of-wonder joy that would fill your heart, stomach, body. It would be enough to explode, right?
Well...that's what Stitches West is for us knitters and fiber aficionados.
The rules about Stitches West (and there are rules...duh, it's a humongous convention center filled with yarn and knitting/crochet patterns) is that 1. you don't bring your credit card. Not even for emergencies because when you see a yarn that is absolutely to die for you will think it is an emergency to get that skein (ball) of yarn. And if you do have to bring a credit card, it better have the lowest limit possible ($50 or so). will be spending up to $500 at the end of it (what happened last year).
2. Bring your true friends. Don't think you will benefit from going by yourself or with acquaintences. Because your true friends will say, "Put that gorgeous purple yarn, no, you have three more like that at home. PUT. IT. DOWN..." They will save you money and the dread of "Why the hell do I have all this purple yarn?"
3. Take a breath. Yes, I know, there are millions (I bet there are...come on, it gets majorly crowded at the Santa Clara Convention Center) of women milling around the aisles that may or may not steal that precious yarn that you have been coveting online for three months. But, it's okay. That's why vendors have more than just one.
4. And last, get there early. Doors open at 10 a.m. You better buy your ticket online two days before and camp out there at 9 a.m. Or, if you want to be first in line, at 7 a.m.
* * *
Last year I went yarn CRAZY. I bought not $100 dollars, not $200 dollars, but $500 dollars of yarn. I had to reorganize my stash baskets in order to squeeze all the yarn I bought into them. I am not fortunate to have a yarn room *cough cough I love you who do cough cough*. While reorganizing I realized that I had tons of yarn that I had bought at my first Stitches (so about two years ago thene). Looking at the pile of new yarn and the pile of old yarn I realized I need to stop buying and start knitting. So I put myself on a Yarn Diet (YD). No more buying yarn until the next Stitches West.
Well, with the exception of yarn bought as gifts and a sale that I could not pass up, I have successfully gotten through my yarn diet. And I had gotten through most of my old yarn. It was a huge task, but I did it! I got a lot of cardigans, socks, and other stuff made out of it. Some of them turned out to be absolutely yucky (I hate making sweaters...), and some turned out to be fabulous (I still love Blue Moon Fibers Socks that matter how many skeins of them I went through this year).
Because of this perspective of what I bought two years ago, I decided that I should really reorganize my yarn stash baskets so I know how much room I have and to know what I do NOT need. I organized it so that stuff that I bought last year would be merged the older stuff. This is the result:
So...yeah...that's a lot of yarn. And that's just one basket. I have two other ones. Luckily one of the baskets is now a little empty, so now I can fill it up for Stitches West!
Well, and this year I will also be going to Stitches South in Atlanta, GA. So...I guess the YD continues...I think I can handle it.
I think...we'll see.
Well...that's what Stitches West is for us knitters and fiber aficionados.
The rules about Stitches West (and there are rules...duh, it's a humongous convention center filled with yarn and knitting/crochet patterns) is that 1. you don't bring your credit card. Not even for emergencies because when you see a yarn that is absolutely to die for you will think it is an emergency to get that skein (ball) of yarn. And if you do have to bring a credit card, it better have the lowest limit possible ($50 or so). will be spending up to $500 at the end of it (what happened last year).
2. Bring your true friends. Don't think you will benefit from going by yourself or with acquaintences. Because your true friends will say, "Put that gorgeous purple yarn, no, you have three more like that at home. PUT. IT. DOWN..." They will save you money and the dread of "Why the hell do I have all this purple yarn?"
3. Take a breath. Yes, I know, there are millions (I bet there are...come on, it gets majorly crowded at the Santa Clara Convention Center) of women milling around the aisles that may or may not steal that precious yarn that you have been coveting online for three months. But, it's okay. That's why vendors have more than just one.
4. And last, get there early. Doors open at 10 a.m. You better buy your ticket online two days before and camp out there at 9 a.m. Or, if you want to be first in line, at 7 a.m.
* * *
Last year I went yarn CRAZY. I bought not $100 dollars, not $200 dollars, but $500 dollars of yarn. I had to reorganize my stash baskets in order to squeeze all the yarn I bought into them. I am not fortunate to have a yarn room *cough cough I love you who do cough cough*. While reorganizing I realized that I had tons of yarn that I had bought at my first Stitches (so about two years ago thene). Looking at the pile of new yarn and the pile of old yarn I realized I need to stop buying and start knitting. So I put myself on a Yarn Diet (YD). No more buying yarn until the next Stitches West.
Well, with the exception of yarn bought as gifts and a sale that I could not pass up, I have successfully gotten through my yarn diet. And I had gotten through most of my old yarn. It was a huge task, but I did it! I got a lot of cardigans, socks, and other stuff made out of it. Some of them turned out to be absolutely yucky (I hate making sweaters...), and some turned out to be fabulous (I still love Blue Moon Fibers Socks that matter how many skeins of them I went through this year).
Because of this perspective of what I bought two years ago, I decided that I should really reorganize my yarn stash baskets so I know how much room I have and to know what I do NOT need. I organized it so that stuff that I bought last year would be merged the older stuff. This is the result:
So...yeah...that's a lot of yarn. And that's just one basket. I have two other ones. Luckily one of the baskets is now a little empty, so now I can fill it up for Stitches West!
Well, and this year I will also be going to Stitches South in Atlanta, GA. So...I guess the YD continues...I think I can handle it.
I think...we'll see.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Following the Lists
It seems like 2011 is the year of the Lists. Every where I turn, I am making lists of things I want to make sure I do, things I don't want to do, acts I would like to continue, acts I don't want to continue. I made my list of resolutions or ideas at the beginning of the year, but now they keep growing. I like this feeling, but at the same time I want to make sure that I actually follow them rather than make them and then they fall to the waist-side.
I made a list on my whiteboard in my bathroom. The whiteboard is there to remind me of school and bill deadlines. Now it also holds a list of things to remember every day.
1. is "SAVE $". It is to remind me that I don't have to have everything. I have redone my wardrobe. It is good for now.
2. is "PEACE (peace sign)". It is to remind me that I need to find peace in everything. Not everything has to be such a big deal. Let it go. I need to remember that when I am starving and just want to sit down and eat.
3. is "BEAUTY (sparkly star image)". It is to remind me that I need to spend more time on my appearance because I AM beautiful. Ever since I was a kid I didn't spend time on my appearance because I never believed I was beautiful. I was surrounded by people that didn't believe I was at all pretty. So I never believed it myself. So I didn't do anything to my nails (sometimes I did...but it looked crappy and people loved to point it out), face (I didn't do it well in High School so for awhile I looked like a painted clown. Someone pointed it out and so I stopped), or really hair (bad haircuts...just bad haircuts). Now I am really going to do something for my appearance. Make sure to do my hair, paint my own nails (I still need to follow #1), and make sure to take care of other beauty needs (of course still making sure to follow #1).
4. is "SELF :)". It is to remind me to take time out of life to take care of myself. That makes more bubble baths with some new age music blasting. To read more fun books. To have weekends like this where I do absolutely nothing and so I have time to do errands that are for me.
and last but not least, "FRIENDS :) :)". It is to remind myself to still take time to appreciate the friends that I have. Take time out to spend time with all of them (whether it be group or single). Because I still have friends out there that I still consider friends but I don't see often. Even when they live 15 minutes again. I want to show my appreciation to them and that I still think of them as one of my friends. Also to remember that these were the people that stuck by me even when the shit was constantly hitting the fan. They stuck by through everything. I want to make sure I show them my gratitude.
So, that's one list. Another is not a list but really an emphasis of everything that has been listed before. I have decided that I am going to only go grocery shopping once a month and that I am only allowed to buy $100.00. I was able to do it in college, and I think I can still do it now. Now the reason why I put a time limit is because it seemed like I was going to Trader Joe's once to three times a week. Those visits started to add up money wise. And, really, a lot of the stuff I would buy ended up being thrown away because they would go bad. Now that I have this time restraint, I buy only the essentials. And with these, I tend to buy enough that I can stretch them out. For instance, I bought a carton of raspberries that I divided them up into packages of around 11 berries (8 packages). Four are in the refrigerator. Four are in the freezer. So that way I will not feel the need to go to Trader Joe's if I run out (and they won't go bad because I plan to eat them with my greek yoghurt once a day).
In relation to grocery shopping, I am determined that I will not eat a lot of processed foods. I will also try not to eat out too much. Now, I am not going to be too strict about that. Of course, I can't help it when I am out with friends or with my parents (just tonight we spent all night trying to find a place to eat out). But I can help it when I am alone. It's not fast food that I have a problem with (I haven't had fast food in a long time...excluding In 'N Out. I am talking McDonald's, Carl's Jr., etc.). It's the fact that when I do eat alone by myself I don't eat fast food. I eat the slightly more pricey food. If I am going to save, might as well cut that out. And the avoiding processed food is a given. As I told my dad, I don't want to be so preserved that I am 110 years old and I just want to die because I am lonely. I want to die a good ripe age of 80 without the help of preservatives. Again, I understand that some foods are going to have preservatives. But I can at least cut out most of them. For instance, when I used to bring lunch into work I would eat the Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice meals. Those are good calorie wise, but think of all the weird chemicals they put in there to make them low calorie. I would rather have middle calorie intake and know what is going into my food. So lately I have been bringing lunch with food that can carry. Like burritos that I make on the spot or turkey burgers (burgers that I put together, grilled and froze in the freezer). This time around I went even further and bought sweet potatoes (already cut into spears) and made my own sweet potato fries and froze for my future lunch. Because sometimes I don't even trust the frozen packages they have at Trader Joe's.
Of course, I am not going to be strict. If I slip and buy a package of frozen sweet potatoes I am not going to make a massive scene (picture: wailing, a kimono, and a white mask streaked with tears). This is just me wanting to feel better about my food choices. This comes down to two desires: 1. save money and 2. to stop being an over-eater. Now, I know #1 would be easier with a full time job and #2 will never happen. But I can try, right? I can at least make it a habit to want to eat better foods and not crave fatty, carbo-filled, chocolate-covered, massive amounts of preservatives that fill my waking dreams. Right? I think so.
Don't worry, my friends. I will not be moving to a farm and asking you to call me Rainbow. Yet. ;)
I made a list on my whiteboard in my bathroom. The whiteboard is there to remind me of school and bill deadlines. Now it also holds a list of things to remember every day.
1. is "SAVE $". It is to remind me that I don't have to have everything. I have redone my wardrobe. It is good for now.
2. is "PEACE (peace sign)". It is to remind me that I need to find peace in everything. Not everything has to be such a big deal. Let it go. I need to remember that when I am starving and just want to sit down and eat.
3. is "BEAUTY (sparkly star image)". It is to remind me that I need to spend more time on my appearance because I AM beautiful. Ever since I was a kid I didn't spend time on my appearance because I never believed I was beautiful. I was surrounded by people that didn't believe I was at all pretty. So I never believed it myself. So I didn't do anything to my nails (sometimes I did...but it looked crappy and people loved to point it out), face (I didn't do it well in High School so for awhile I looked like a painted clown. Someone pointed it out and so I stopped), or really hair (bad haircuts...just bad haircuts). Now I am really going to do something for my appearance. Make sure to do my hair, paint my own nails (I still need to follow #1), and make sure to take care of other beauty needs (of course still making sure to follow #1).
4. is "SELF :)". It is to remind me to take time out of life to take care of myself. That makes more bubble baths with some new age music blasting. To read more fun books. To have weekends like this where I do absolutely nothing and so I have time to do errands that are for me.
and last but not least, "FRIENDS :) :)". It is to remind myself to still take time to appreciate the friends that I have. Take time out to spend time with all of them (whether it be group or single). Because I still have friends out there that I still consider friends but I don't see often. Even when they live 15 minutes again. I want to show my appreciation to them and that I still think of them as one of my friends. Also to remember that these were the people that stuck by me even when the shit was constantly hitting the fan. They stuck by through everything. I want to make sure I show them my gratitude.
So, that's one list. Another is not a list but really an emphasis of everything that has been listed before. I have decided that I am going to only go grocery shopping once a month and that I am only allowed to buy $100.00. I was able to do it in college, and I think I can still do it now. Now the reason why I put a time limit is because it seemed like I was going to Trader Joe's once to three times a week. Those visits started to add up money wise. And, really, a lot of the stuff I would buy ended up being thrown away because they would go bad. Now that I have this time restraint, I buy only the essentials. And with these, I tend to buy enough that I can stretch them out. For instance, I bought a carton of raspberries that I divided them up into packages of around 11 berries (8 packages). Four are in the refrigerator. Four are in the freezer. So that way I will not feel the need to go to Trader Joe's if I run out (and they won't go bad because I plan to eat them with my greek yoghurt once a day).
In relation to grocery shopping, I am determined that I will not eat a lot of processed foods. I will also try not to eat out too much. Now, I am not going to be too strict about that. Of course, I can't help it when I am out with friends or with my parents (just tonight we spent all night trying to find a place to eat out). But I can help it when I am alone. It's not fast food that I have a problem with (I haven't had fast food in a long time...excluding In 'N Out. I am talking McDonald's, Carl's Jr., etc.). It's the fact that when I do eat alone by myself I don't eat fast food. I eat the slightly more pricey food. If I am going to save, might as well cut that out. And the avoiding processed food is a given. As I told my dad, I don't want to be so preserved that I am 110 years old and I just want to die because I am lonely. I want to die a good ripe age of 80 without the help of preservatives. Again, I understand that some foods are going to have preservatives. But I can at least cut out most of them. For instance, when I used to bring lunch into work I would eat the Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice meals. Those are good calorie wise, but think of all the weird chemicals they put in there to make them low calorie. I would rather have middle calorie intake and know what is going into my food. So lately I have been bringing lunch with food that can carry. Like burritos that I make on the spot or turkey burgers (burgers that I put together, grilled and froze in the freezer). This time around I went even further and bought sweet potatoes (already cut into spears) and made my own sweet potato fries and froze for my future lunch. Because sometimes I don't even trust the frozen packages they have at Trader Joe's.
Of course, I am not going to be strict. If I slip and buy a package of frozen sweet potatoes I am not going to make a massive scene (picture: wailing, a kimono, and a white mask streaked with tears). This is just me wanting to feel better about my food choices. This comes down to two desires: 1. save money and 2. to stop being an over-eater. Now, I know #1 would be easier with a full time job and #2 will never happen. But I can try, right? I can at least make it a habit to want to eat better foods and not crave fatty, carbo-filled, chocolate-covered, massive amounts of preservatives that fill my waking dreams. Right? I think so.
Don't worry, my friends. I will not be moving to a farm and asking you to call me Rainbow. Yet. ;)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Get the Back Up
The weekend after New Year's, my sister and I went skiing. I haven't skiied much since last year, but I was confident that I would still be warmed up to do all right for that weekend. Well other than my muscles hurting, I was doing just fine. I was going down the mountain with ease.
Until that late afternoon. What used to be wonderful powder was now becoming slippery ice and as I was going down one run I was surprised by one icy patch. What ensued was a comical roll down the hill that involved losing my glasses, goggles, hat, and one ski. When I was younger this type of wipeout would involve a sad rendition of a spoiled little brat with tears. This time, I looked with blurred eyes up the mountain and attempted to climb that mountain until I had all my possessions in hand. Even as I continued to slide down the hill, I would just get back up and climb again.
As I was attempting this foolhardy mission, I just kept thinking how this could be a metaphor for life. So you failed. Just get back up. So you wiped out on a random patch of "ice" and rolled down the hill. You can still get back up and collect yourself. You may be a little sore, but you are still alive.
In Life, I have always been afraid of failing in my decisions. But I have slowly been accepting that it's ok to fail. As in skiing, I can get back up and move on. It's a great feeling knowing that failing is not always a bad thing.
On that note, I should accept that in my cooking as well. I have been failing in my cooking times so that the food I have been cooking is undercooked. I have been reacting how I used to (blaming other things, factors, etc). But I need to realize 1.) thicker slabs of meat will need more time and 2.) it's ok to fail in cooking. Just make note of it and move on. At least this time it's not the flavor but cooking time.
So, just like with skiing, I just need to get the back up and regain composure. It's ok to fall down.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Until that late afternoon. What used to be wonderful powder was now becoming slippery ice and as I was going down one run I was surprised by one icy patch. What ensued was a comical roll down the hill that involved losing my glasses, goggles, hat, and one ski. When I was younger this type of wipeout would involve a sad rendition of a spoiled little brat with tears. This time, I looked with blurred eyes up the mountain and attempted to climb that mountain until I had all my possessions in hand. Even as I continued to slide down the hill, I would just get back up and climb again.
As I was attempting this foolhardy mission, I just kept thinking how this could be a metaphor for life. So you failed. Just get back up. So you wiped out on a random patch of "ice" and rolled down the hill. You can still get back up and collect yourself. You may be a little sore, but you are still alive.
In Life, I have always been afraid of failing in my decisions. But I have slowly been accepting that it's ok to fail. As in skiing, I can get back up and move on. It's a great feeling knowing that failing is not always a bad thing.
On that note, I should accept that in my cooking as well. I have been failing in my cooking times so that the food I have been cooking is undercooked. I have been reacting how I used to (blaming other things, factors, etc). But I need to realize 1.) thicker slabs of meat will need more time and 2.) it's ok to fail in cooking. Just make note of it and move on. At least this time it's not the flavor but cooking time.
So, just like with skiing, I just need to get the back up and regain composure. It's ok to fall down.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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