Thursday, February 5, 2009

I finally Youtubed Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl...". Everyone kept telling me that I would love the song, and oh my goodness I should listen to it!

Yeah. Um. Sure.

See Video Here

The song is nice. But the video shows even more what Katy Perry truly feels about kissing a girl. She is dancing around with all the pretty women, and she is having fun. But at the end it's all a dream and she wakes up mortified? Then looks at her boyfriend and is relieved?

How is that liking kissing girls? How?

Shows how much our world will never change. We will always be scared to explore new horizons, and the unknown. And we will never accept the fact that, heaven forbid, women like kissing girls and liking it.

And they won't have to worry about their boyfriends would mind.

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